Touring Around

Why do I love club med? It's a question I (understandably) get asked a lot, having spent the best part of my early 20s visiting them. It's a tough question to answer. They're well-priced, in great locations and are all over the world. It's simple, really. My love affair with them began with club med Phuket where I stayed for two weeks and wished I'd never have to leave.

Uni Holidays

It's the thing I love most about university - the holidays. I get so much time off and I spend the majority of it travelling. I pay my way around the world, working behind the bar, waitressing, babysitting - there's always options. When I visited club med Bintan Island I became a chauffeur for one of the families there and earned a buck or two. Club med Bintan has been one of my favourites to date.

Work Life

Many people are envious of my travels and insist on reminding me that I need to settle down and find a real job once uni finishes. As I sat by the pool at club med Mauritius thinking about their words, I decided the opposite. I could keep travelling as long as I wanted and I was going to make it happen.

Travel Agency

I decided I was going to set up my own travel tour group - with a difference. I would take people on tours of the club meds around the world. It was what I loved to do and I knew there would be a market for it out there. Plus, I was going to be the one to run the tours, so I would get to travel non-stop.

Club Med Phuket

My love affair with them began with club med Phuket where I stayed for two weeks and wished I'd never have to leave.

Club Med Bintan Island

When I visited club med Bintan Island I became a chauffeur for one of the families there and earned a buck or two.

Club Med Mauritius

As I sat by the pool at club med Mauritius thinking about their words, I decided the opposite.